Chiara Manco
Creative & Media Partnership Director , System1
Why are the Campaign Ad Net Zero Awards important?
Ultimately, I think they are vital because they show just how big of a role the advertising industry can play in tackling the climate crisis, thus galvanising more brands to take action. It's our collective responsibility as humans to adopt a more sustainable way of life, but we know changing our behaviours is not an easy task. Brands can be powerful leaders in this space, encouraging positive behaviour change by not only being role models through corporate initiatives, but also using the power of storytelling to drive consumers to action. By shining a light on the best campaigns in this space, these awards don't just bring to the forefront the responsibility we have as an industry to take action, but also show the real impact such work can have.
What are you looking for in winning entries?
Having conducted research on just how powerful environmental messages in advertising can be, I'm looking forward to seeing how brands use creativity to overcome barriers to behaviour change. I think winning entries will have a deep understanding of human nature at their heart, being able to tap into the right drivers of emotion to spur people into action. Also, I'll be looking for scalable ideas which can serve as inspiration for the industry as a whole and show positive change can indeed be achieved.
What top tip would you give to this year's entrants?
Storytelling is as important in advertising as it is in awards entries! I would advise entrants to think of their case studies as a story they have to hook judges with - a dynamic, emotionally engaging one with a clear starting point, a challenge providing tension, and finally a happy resolution.