Felicity McLean

Associate Director Sustainability Engagement , WPP

Why are the Campaign Ad Net Zero Awards important?

The Ad Net Zero awards are incredibly important because they showcase best practice work and shine a light on what good looks like. As marketers, we have the privilege of having creativity, scale, and convening power at our fingertips. This gives us the opportunity to be brave and bold, unleashing our creativity to solve commercial problems alongside social and environmental problems. By doing so, we can mainstream sustainability and shift the 'moveable middle.'

What are you looking for in winning entries?

Work that can show tangible impact on the most material issues to a brand or business, solve for genuine consumer needs, and drive growth or ROI.

What top tip would you give to this year's entrants?

Familiarise yourself with the latest guidance on Green Claims and Greenwashing, and don't forget to substantiate your any claims you're making in your entry.  Good luck!