NatWest Climate Marketing Strategy: What’s banking got to do with climate change?

NatWest Group

NatWest aims to lead the UK’s transition to a net-zero economy. To meet that goal, we need to take our customers with us. However, most consumers don’t make the connection between banking and climate. To meet this challenge, we developed a multi-phase campaign to nudge customers towards climate-friendly actions that are good for their pocket and the planet.

Our campaign had four phases:

1. Inspire - a rallying cry to signal our role and our commitment, creating a clear connection between banking and climate.

2. Educate - a programme of content to demystify COP26 and build our credibility as a climate changemaker.

3. Reward - win-win climate friendly choices that are good for pocket and planet.

4. Empower - knowledge and tools for customers to track and reduce carbon emissions.

Key results: • 1.2m paid and organic views of our hero film “what has banking got to do with climate change?” • 10% increase in average monthly usage of the carbon tracker in our banking app • 380k visits (Jan – April 22) to our climate change hub, versus 147k in 2021, with a 425% increase from search (Jan – Apr 22 vs 21). • 1% uplift (12MR) in NatWest’s consumer brand association with ‘helps address climate change’.

Key learnings: • Make it local and personal - make climate action relevant to everyday actions • Make simple - no scientific jargon • Make it win-win - connect climate action to cost savings • Make it social - make people feel part of a movement