Shannon Pruitt

Global Chief Marketing Officer , Stagwell Brand Performance Network

Why are the Campaign Ad Net Zero Awards important?

I believe the best way to help brands, agencies, publishers and technology companies understand the ways to make small steps and big leaps to more sustainable/net zero practices in advertising and media is to unite them around the showcasing of best in class work, processes and operations. The opportunity and power of these awards to change the conversation and understanding lies in the ability for submissions to demonstrate how these campaigns and their processes had an impact on intended results and net zero / business outcomes. In the work is both inspiration and education which I believe is an important way forward in scaling the understanding of what can be done to create and implement more sustainable principles, operations and impact across industries.

What are you looking for in winning entries?

I am looking for the true correlation between taking a more transparent and sustainable/net zero approach to the intended (or possibly unintended) work and business impact and outcomes. 

What top tip would you give to this year's entrants?

Have key stakeholders review your entry to ensure the methodology and the steps taken to create or curate a more sustainable approach is impacting the business and net zero outcomes.